CNN Gaza Reporter Joined Hamas Terrorists During Mass Slaughter of 1,400 Jews

2 min read

The latest ghoulish development following the slaughter of 1,400 Jews in the Oct. 7 Israeli attack on Israel is quite a shocker.

The AP, CNN, Reuters, and The New York Times used footage and photos from reporters embedded with Hamas terrorists during their slaughter of hundreds of Jews.

These Western media outlets then posted the photos in their coverage of this horrendous surprise attack on Israel.

AP reporter Hassan Eslaiah took photos and video while traveling with Hamas killers during the massacre. Hassan also provided photos to CNN.

Yousef Masoud provided photos to The New York Times.

Hassan Eslaiah was seen with Hamas leader Yahya, Sinwar following the slaughter of Jews.

The Wall Street Journal also published a photo by Hassan Eslaiah.

According to Honest Reporting – Four names appear on AP’s photo credits from the Israel-Gaza border area on October 7: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.

Now this…

There is now video of Hassan Eslaiah riding the back of a bike on the way to a kibbutz massacre.

Eslaiah is seen carrying a grenade.

Just your average CNN impartial journalist at work.


CNN ‘journalist’ Hassan Eslaiah carrying a grenade on the way to a kibbutz raid by Hamas in Israel.

This was first published on his Facebook page.


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