Voters Believe Trump Is the Single Republican Capable of Defeating Biden.

2 min read

A recent survey conducted on behalf of the Democracy Institute, a center-right think tank in Washington, D.C., indicates that former President Donald Trump is perceived as the single Republican candidate with the potential to defeat Joe Biden and reclaim the White House in the 2024 election. This survey, which involved 1,500 likely voters, revealed that in a head-to-head general election matchup, Trump holds a lead over Biden with 49 to 45 percent. In contrast, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would trail behind Biden, with a 47 to 43 percent margin.

The survey also shed light on other aspects of voter sentiment. A significant 67 percent of respondents believe that Joe Biden is too old to continue serving as President, and 56 percent express concerns about President Biden’s perceived corruption. These findings align with other Republican primary polls, where former President Trump enjoys a commanding lead over other potential candidates, securing 60 percent of the vote. Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis follow with 13 percent and 12 percent of the vote, respectively.

In recent developments, Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign faced negative publicity when the pro-DeSantis SuperPAC’s pollster, WPA Intelligence, attempted to publish an anti-Trump op-ed in Newsweek without disclosing its connection to the DeSantis campaign. Billionaire mega-donor Ken Griffin, an early supporter of DeSantis, expressed dissatisfaction with the campaign’s clarity and announced his decision to remain on the sidelines for the remainder of the primary. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign reported having double the pledged voter support for the Iowa caucus compared to the DeSantis campaign, despite being outspent in the state by the Florida Governor at a 5-to-1 ratio.

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