Tucker Carlson Show Aired By Russian State TV

3 min read

Note: This text was published by Newsweek.

The CEO of the Tucker Carlson Network has rejected claims in Russian state media that the former Fox News anchor had done a deal for his shows to appear on Russian television.

The claims appear to have originated with the program Tucker, which is broadcast on Russia 24 but comprises old episodes of Carlson’s shows complete with a Russian voiceover.

The first episode and other clips from previous months are now available online, Russian state newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported.

On the website Smotrim.ru, where programs shown on Russian state channels can be viewed, is an episode introduced by Carlson dated May 18 and dubbed into Russian.

The website also hosts other clips from previous months of interviews that Carlson had conducted.

Independent news outlet Astra confirmed that the program features Russian-language dubbing of Carlson’s American shows and is not original content for Russian viewers.

In September 2023, Russia 24 aired a trailer for a show featuring Carlson without clarifying when it would be broadcast, the BBC reported. Carlson told The Financial Times that he knew nothing about it.

Neil Patel, CEO of the Tucker Carlson Network, denied claims in Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Astra that the airing of the episodes was part of a “joint project.”

“The Tucker Carlson Network has not done any deals with state media in any country. Whoever is currently pretending to be the old Newsweek brand would know that if they had checked with us before printing like news companies are supposed to do”.

Newsweek had reached out to TCN, VGTRK and Smotrim.ru for comment and will update this article if a response is received.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Carlson used a March 2022 episode of his primetime show on Fox News to fuel a conspiracy theory pushed by Russia about the supposed development of U.S. bioweapons in Ukraine.

When at Fox News, Carlson was praised on Russian state television for his positions on the war in Ukraine which were interpreted as sympathetic to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After he was fired by Fox News, one Kremlin mouthpiece described Carlson as a “voice of reason” who was “welcome in Russia.”

Carlson was the highest-rated cable TV host before he left Fox News in April 2023.

In February this year, Carlson made a high-profile visit to Russia, where his interview with Putin at the Kremlin was criticized by many observers for allowing the Russian president to push his narrative on the war he started in Ukraine.

During the two-hour interview, Putin spoke extensively about Russian history and Kremlin talking points and was rarely challenged. Putin later appeared to criticize Carlson’s interview approach, telling state television channel Russia-1 that he thought he would “behave aggressively and ask so-called sharp questions.”


Carlson was also criticized on social media for his interview with the Russian ultranationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin, which was recorded in Moscow but was not broadcast until April 29.

source: newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-launches-show-russian-state-tv-russia

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