“The FBI Disabled Me. I Am Now Disabled”

6 min read

The Biden regime’s brutal and unprecedented political persecution of ordinary Americans is hitting the big screen THIS WEEK!

POLICE STATE will premiere in theaters around the US from October 23-27 – starting yesterday!

Filmmaker and conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza collaborated with Dan Bongino in this chilling new film called “Police State.”

** The virtual premiere is Friday, October 27th.

Dinesh described how the left is helping to build this expanding police state in America today.

Dinesh D’Souza:  It’s a scary film. Not because I’ve made a horror film using the techniques of cinematography, But it’s because America is becoming a scary place to live. Not for everybody, because there are going to be people on the left who say, “Well, I’m never going to be censored and the FBI is not going to come banging on my door.” And I go, “Well, that’s because you’re helping to build the police state.” So police states, when they are under construction, rely on a constituency to help build them up. And that’s the stage we’re in now. We’re not a full-fledged police stage. But it is amazing, Jim, to see how far we’ve come in a bad way in just a few years. It’s been a free fall in terms of protecting our liberties.

This weekend we interviewed American patriot Joseph Bolanos from New York.

Bolanos is featured in “POLICE STATE.” His home was ransacked by the FBI like a violent robbery.

Joe, the president of a landmark block association and former president of the Community Council for the NYPD, told us how the FBI bashed in his door without warning, ransacked his home, confiscated his computers and media equipment, and made him sit in a vehicle outside his home for hours until he suffered a stroke.

Joe was at his mother’s home when they went to the door.  The FBI knew he was not home but broke into his apartment anyway.  They went to his mother’s home where they arrested him. An ambulance was called to take him to the hospital and, according to Joe, the FBI hesitated to call for the ambulance.

FBI agents beat in the door at Joe Bolanos’ apartment in New York after he stood outside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. They later held him for hours to interrogate him

Joe described the atmosphere that morning as nearly a million Trump supporters gathered to hear him speak at the Ellipse.

Joe Bolanos: “So I’m surrounded by easily hundreds of thousands of people and for the most part they were calm. There were musicians, there were people singing, there were people performing. It was like I told my friends, it was like a political Woodstock.

It was really so kind-hearted lighthearted I happen to love the heartland I’m a kid from New York but I really love the spirit of the heartland. So when people say good morning to you and they’re from Wisconsin or they’re from Michigan, I love that.”
Joe told us the mood changed when news broke about Mike Pence reneging on his promise.

It was MIKE PENCE and NOT Donald Trump who inflamed the crowd!

Joe Bolanos: “The crowd was pretty subdued listening to President Trump, and all of a sudden the people around me started to stir.

You could see there was something going on. Some phones were going off, and what have you. People started to leave around me and you could hear the really they weren’t very happy.

Now, some headed out of the Washington, DC area, the Washington Monument, and headed toward the parking lots. Others headed toward Constitution. Toward the Capitol.

And I later found out that the word had got been leaked out about what Vice President Pence was going to do instead of sending it back to the States, he was going to follow the Constitution, whatever that meant… And these people really got angry.

I mean it was visceral you could see that people were really upset… Later when everything happened, I said, President Trump didn’t do that. He didn’t do that, I’ll swear on the stack of Bibles, because he – sounded tired.

But my feeling till I die is that it was Vice President Pence and his reversal of his decision and the fact that it was leaked out before it was on paper because somebody leaked it out. I’m really fully convinced that whatever the change in emotion in that crowd had to do, I’d say about 85% of it was because of that.

Joe noticed the streets cleared up the closer he got to the Capitol after President Trump’s speech.

Joe Bolanos: “They had salt trucks, like orange salt trucks blocking the streets. This is important because as we approached the Capitol, there were no signs, there were no police, there were no salt trucks. We walked right up the back, unobstructed.

So we did see some police cars with people in them, I guess prisoners go by us with sirens on and what have you, but we were totally unobstructed.

Unobstructed, and that’s really important. So anyway, so we got close to the Capitol, but not near the stairs, and we saw people in the background climbing walls. And I said, Listen, this is it. We’re not going any further because something’s going on here.”

Joe then described the nightmare he went through when the FBI came to his mother’s door and frightened him to death. Joe suffered a stroke and is lucky to be alive today.

Joe Bolanos: “After that, I was in the hospital and a neighbor, because I didn’t have a phone, so I called a neighbor. I couldn’t walk because the stroke, I was at risk of falling, so I couldn’t leave my bed without somebody walking.

That night of the raid, the only thing I could think of was my mother. It’s like, here I was, maybe dying and all I could think of was my mother. And it’s the hardest feeling in the world when you can’t contact anybody. You’re like a prisoner on an island.”

Joe is disabled today and walks with a cane after suffering a stroke.

I hope you listen to Joe’s story.


Joe Bolanos: “The FBI disabled me. I am now disabled, and I couldn’t find a lawyer to represent me. What does that tell you about the system?”

Joe Bolanos was never charged with crime.

Before we ended our conversation, Joe Bolanos broke down and cried. He has been through so much along with hundreds of other Americans targeted by their government.

Joe ended with this, “Thank you so much. I am just so happy with this interview. It was great.”

source: thegatewaypundit.com/fbi-disabled-me-i-am-not-disabled-coming

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