Joe Scarborough offended by Trump calling Jan. 6 rioters hostages akin to Israelis

2 min read

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough railed against former President Donald Trump for referring to Jan. 6 rioters as “hostages.”

Trump made his comments during a rally in Houston, Texas, on Thursday, and Scarborough dedicated a segment on Morning Joe on Friday discussing it. During the segment, replays of clips from Jan. 6, 2021, appeared in a split-screen.

“These are the people who tried to overthrow American democracy because they believed Donald Trump’s lies,” Scarborough said. “And there we have police officers being attacked from all sides, having their heads crushed in doors, police officers taken to the ground, having bear spray used against them. Just — this is just pure, pure evil.”

Scarborough would also play a brief tribute to the four police officers who died, some in the days after the riots.

“And speaking of that, how deeply offensive that Donald Trump has now moved from calling these people, these thugs, he’s gone from calling them political prisoners to now comparing them to Jews who were ripped out of their homes,” Scarborough said, referring to Hamas attacking Israel on Oct. 7.

“Donald Trump uses this time to compare those thugs that were beating up police officers with American flags, he compared them to Jews who were ripped from their homes, raped, beaten, so many killed, but also so many taken to underground tunnels by a terrorist organization.”

Co-host Willie Geist agreed with Scarborough, saying Trump’s comments and apparent salute to these imprisoned rioters were “pretty repulsive.”


During Thursday’s rally, Trump also made a rare change of walkout music, instead being introduced by the song “Justice for All,” the song that features the J6 Prison Choir, comprising those imprisoned Jan. 6. rioters. Typically, the former president walks out to “God Bless the USA.”


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